Gennusa Firm

(504) 308-0922

Terrytown Personal Injury Attorneys For Claim Compensation

Injured in an accident or fall in Terrytown? Louisiana Husband and Wife Legal Team and personal injury attorneys Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa can help you get the compensation you need and deserve.

Most injuries you get on a daily basis won't ruin your life. If you suffer a papercut, a stubbed toe, or lightly burn yourself making gumbo, you’ll likely be feeling alright by morning.

But some injuries can be life-changing on a whole different level, medically and financially.

If you get rear-ended on Terry Parkway and Carol Sue by a trucker who hasn't slept enough or suffer a serious head injury after slipping at the Oakwood Mall, you are looking at long-term medical consequences and even more daunting medical bills. And for many families, these expenses can pile up and cause significant financial stress.

Fortunately, when you suffer serious injuries because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, you can claim financial compensation from them.

Allow personal injury attorneys Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa of the Gennusa Firm to advocate on your behalf with the negligent party and their insurance company. Without the right legal guidance, it’s easy for insurance companies to lowball you, minimize your injuries, or ignore the seriousness of your claim.

Have you been injured in Terrytown? Allow Louisiana's Husband and Wife Legal Team of Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa to review your case, advocate for you, and make sure you get the compensation and legal help you deserve.


How Do Personal Injury Claims Work In Terrytown?

Personal Injury Lawyer, Terrytown, LA

While any serious injury can be personally and financially devastating, not all are eligible for personal injury compensation claims.

For example, if you drink and drive and suffer a car accident off of Belle Chasse Highway, the fault for that accident and your injuries rests with you.

But if another driver fails to signal and turns into you, their lack of care and personal responsibility for the accident could give you cause for a claim. You may have exactly the same injuries, but this time, the other driver is responsible and can be made to pay.

Seeking this compensation is done by filing a personal injury claim against the other driver and their insurance company for the full amount of harm you endured. And the full amount you may be entitled to can go well beyond your medical bills.

Given how financially devastating an injury can be, it is vital to work with an experienced personal injury compensation lawyer to ensure that you can claim the necessary damages.

What Can A Personal Injury Lawyer Help Me Claim Compensation For?

Any serious injury, whether from a car crash or some other unfortunate accident, comes with two types of costs. You can think of them in terms of obvious costs and hidden costs, though in personal injury law, they are called “specific damages” and “general damages,” respectively.

Personal injury claims allow you to get compensation for all of these costs and losses, though proving them, or even understanding them, takes the help of an experienced lawyer.

Specific damages, or obvious costs, are those you can easily calculate or can clearly measure in dollar terms. These would include :

  • Your medical bills and treatment expenses,
  • The wages you lost while recovering from the injury, and
  • Even future expenses like lost wages due to a disability or anticipated medical costs.

General damages are often less obvious but can sometimes be even more devastating; they include many harder-to-measure hidden costs like:

  • The toll taken by your pain and suffering,
  • Any loss in the quality of your life from activities you can no longer perform, such as cooking, getting dressed, going to Mass, or playing basketball with your kids,
  • Loss of intimacy with your spouse or if you can no longer have kids due to an accident-related injury,
  • Mental anguish, and
  • Any other intangible impact of the accident or injury on your day-to-day life.

As you can see, these costs can be extensive but also elusive and hard to quantify. They can be even harder to prove in court or demonstrate, which insurance companies count on when they try to deny compensation for them despite the very real toll they take on your life.


Why Are Insurance Companies So Reluctant To Pay Terrytown Personal Injury Claims?

Personal Injury Lawyer, Terrytown, LA

You don’t have to be from Terrytown or anywhere else in New Orleans to be suspicious of insurance companies. Many families have hurricane horror stories involving an insurance company that refuses to pay, and these companies are no less stingy when it comes to personal injury accidents.

Insurance companies love to take your money but hate to give it back when you need it most. When you are first injured, they are often quick to call with kind tones and false concern. They’ll then offer you what may seem like a generous sum without any questions asked.

As tempting as that immediate payout may be, don’t take it! Those amounts are pathetically small compared to the real cost of your injury, and since you won't be able to claim anything more once you agree to their offer, saying a quick “yes” can leave you in deep water and considerable debt.

This is one of many tactics insurance companies can use to pay you less than you need and deserve. From the moment of the accident to the day you force them to pay up in court, some insurance companies will make you fight them for every last dime.

However, most of these companies can be convinced to settle for a reasonable and fair amount if (and only if) they think you will be able to win in court.

And to do that, you need an excellent attorney. Allow Louisiana's Husband and Wife Legal Team and personal injury lawyers Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa to lend their experience and dedication to your case!

With extensive experience beating insurance companies in court, they’re an unrivaled choice for getting you the compensation you deserve. If you can contact them in time.

Injured In Terrytown, Call Louisiana Personal Injury Lawyers Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa

The Gennusa Firm | Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa are New Orleans personal injury lawyers near you, proudly fighting for the rights and compensation of Terrytown accident and injury victims. 

If you have been injured in Terrytown, Jefferson Parish, or anywhere else in the greater New Orleans area, chances are the last thing you need right now is more pressure. You may already be fighting bills while struggling to heal, but time is also ticking on your ability to recover the much-needed personal injury compensation for your injury.

Depending on how you were injured and who caused the accident, you could have only two years or less to file that personal injury claim, and insurance companies would love nothing more than to run out the clock on your ability to make them pay up.

So don't wait; call a personal injury lawyer near you right now at (504) 308-0922 to get the financial compensation you need to finally recover.

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