Gennusa Firm

(504) 308-0922

Personal Injury Attorneys Fighting For You In Harvey, LA

If you are struggling to navigate the complexities of personal injury law on your own, the Husband & Wife Legal Team at The Gennusa Firm can provide the legal counsel you need.

Let’s face it, you work hard for your money, and it doesn’t grow on trees. For this reason, it can be very difficult when you're faced with an injury that you weren't prepared for. Aside from the implied medical bills that will come with your recovery, you may also find yourself on the hook for vehicle or property repairs, emotional damages, and lost wages if you are unable to work as a result of your injury.

If you have not accounted for these expenses or prepared yourself with the legal knowledge, the process of pursuing damages for your injury could result in a substantial degree of stress. For this reason, it's important to work with a personal injury law firm in Harvey, LA who will advocate for your interests and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve.

If you are unfamiliar with Louisiana personal injury law, the idea of claiming damages for an injury you received due to someone else’s negligence can be daunting. Before you take any action, it's important to team up with a competent personal injury law attorneys who will assist you in understanding the process. Some of the things your lawyer will discuss with you may include:

  • Medical Attention: It's crucial that you seek medical attention immediately after your injury, even if it may not seem serious at the time. Some injuries can develop over time, and it's best to receive an examination from your doctor right away so that you can document the extent and severity of your injuries.
  • Documenting The Incident: You will need to provide explicit documentation in order to corroborate your claims and support your stance with evidence. Any photos, surveillance videos, witness statements, and insurance information that you can provide will help to paint a clearer picture and validate your claims.
  • Filing Insurance Claims: In order to fully pursue your damages, you must file a claim with the insurance company of the at-fault party. After your claim has been made, it is the insurer’s job to investigate the incident and determine what you are owed. Your attorneys will be able to help you in your negotiations with the insurance company.

It's important to talk with a personal injury lawyer in Harvey, LA who will ensure that you are fully prepared to win a favorable settlement. When you team up with The Gennusa Firm, you are placing your case in the capable hands of Husband and Wife attorneys Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues. With close to 30 years of combined experience, Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa are uniquely qualified to guide you toward success in your personal injury case.

At The Gennusa Firm, we make your well-being our top priority, working tirelessly to ensure that you are well-informed and prepared to negotiate your settlement.


Personal Injury Law In The State Of Louisiana

The Gennusa Firm | Harvey, LA Personal Injury Attorneys

As someone claiming damages for a personal injury in Harvey, LA, your case will likely be governed by civil law traditions, which follow codes and statutes more so than the court decisions and precedents found in common law principles. Many other states rely on common law principles, it's important that you understand the unique nature of personal injury law in Louisiana so that you are prepared to navigate your case.

Louisiana offers a number of options for personal injuries, depending on the circumstance. While car accidents are the most common, cases can range from slip and falls to medical malpractice and dog bites.

For personal injuries in Harvey, LA, your case will follow a comparative fault system, meaning that your compensation could be reduced if you are found partially at fault for your injuries. Keep in mind that the statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits is two years, so you will need to speak with your lawyer and file your claim within two years of your accident.


The Gennusa Firm: Fighting For Justice For Residents Of Harvey, LA

The Gennusa Firm | Harvey, LA Personal Injury Attorneys

You deserve peace of mind, so don’t let yourself handle this one alone. The professionals at The Gennusa firm are standing by to guide you toward success.

Are you struggling to find a personal injury law firm in Harvey, LA who will fight to win you the compensation you deserve? Attorneys Jeffrey Gennusa and Ana Rodrigues Gennusa are fully prepared to guide you through your personal injury case so that you can proceed with confidence and peace of mind. Don’t leave your settlement to chance – contact the Husband and Wife Legal Team at The Gennusa Firm today at (504) 308-0922 to get started with a FREE initial consultation.

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